Hydroscapes offers replastering options for pools that include the use of SKIN microplaster luxury waterproofing, a cutting-edge plaster alternative product that is both waterproof and luxurious. This innovative product is built on the science of basecrete and designed in Italy, providing superior durability and a stunning finish that can last for years. SKIN microplaster luxury waterproofing is an excellent choice for homeowners who want to upgrade the appearance and functionality of their pool while ensuring long-lasting, high-quality results.
Frequently Asked Questions
Pool Plastering is the final layer of polish or interior pool finish that makes a pool’s interior visually appealing. Along with its aesthetic purpose, the coating smoothens and balances out the roughness of the concrete below it and makes the pool shell water tight.
If you paint your pool’s inner surface, think of it as a short-term solution only. With time, the paint will start chipping, and it will leave your pool vulnerable to natural elements. Also, when you think of it, plastering a painted pool takes much longer due to the inherent difficulties of removing the layers of paint.
Yes, you can and the pool plaster color will come back initially but it becomes rough due to high porosity in the plaster resulting from the acid. The more you acid wash the pool the rougher the plaster gets.
Depending on a variety of factors and how well you maintain your pool, your plaster can last as little as 1 year to 25 years. The average life expectancy of a plastered pool is affected by regular pool maintenance and cleaning. If you take excellent care of pool plaster, such as marcite plaster can last 10 years or longer while you’ll get an additional 5 years on the life of your pool is you use quartz aggregate blend, and even longer with a pebble or SKIN finish.
While you can plaster your pool at any time of the year, the ideal weather is when it is a little cold and humid. That’s because high temperatures can cause early drying before the pool fills altogether leaving cracks in between the dry and wet plaster. SKIN plaster is more resistant to the hot weather than traditional plasters.
Unlike ordinary plaster which needs to dry completely first, pool plaster works differently. One the plaster dries out; you need to fill the pool with water. Plaster continues to cure under water for 28 days and we recommend waiting at least 7 days before entering the pool, 28 days with no wheeled cleaners or weighted vacuums. SKIN microplaster allows you to swim, vacuum, and run your robot in 72 hours with no chance of damaging the surface!
Simple. Take care of your pool!! Hire a pool professional to clean your pool if you are too busy to manage your pool chemistry. We offer year-round pool service.
Your plaster might get discolored due to several reasons. Out-of-balance pool water chemistry, Organic matter and foreign elements that blow into the water and sink to the pool bottom, or objects that enter the pool. Even with high-quality plaster finishes complications can arise. Blemishes sometimes appear as soon as a few days, months, or even years after your pool is built. Most streaking and discoloration is a normal part of traditional plaster. This is why we recommend our SKIN microplaster because each individual granule is baked in color hence no fading.