Tidy Up Your Pool for Spring in 5 Easy Steps

Spring is almost here in OKC and people will love their pools in the warm weather. But in the cold months, the pools were left unused and got dirty or damaged. Call for a pool repair in OKC from a good company and get it ready for the spring season in 5 easy steps.

1. Drain and Clean the Pool

During the cold seasons, an unused pool accumulates dirt, grime, debris, and other biological contaminants. To remove them and clean the water, you will have to drain the pool and scrub the walls.

But this is tricky since one should not drain a fiberglass pool completely. Don’t take the water pressure off the walls. Instead, just reduce the water level by 6 inches only and that will be enough to help clean the rest.

Scrub the walls with a soft scrubber to remove the grime off them. Do make sure to use a non-abrasive cleaner - regular cleaners will damage the gel coating on the fiberglass.

Then it’s time to clean the water surface and the bottom. Use a telescopic pole or a skimmer to remove any dirt or debris from the water. Then run a good pool vacuum to clean the grime off the floor of your pool.

2. Cleaning the Filters

Cleaning the pool filters is one of the easiest parts of the job. Just lift them and remove the dust and debris. Keep removing any sticks or leaves or worse, plastics or rags that got stuck in the filter. It may take some time to clean and wash the filter thoroughly. Wash it with clear water and then fix it back to its original place.

3. Add Chemicals and Balance

A pool’s chemical balance is very important to its life and the health of its users. Ideally, a fiberglass pool should have a medium pH level of 5, around 100 alkalinities, 2 ppm chlorine, 300 ppm calcium, 40-50 ppm cyanuric acid, and no other metals diluted. Add chemicals and do shock treatments to get the perfect balance in your pool. Do consult a pool repair specialist in OKC before you do this, though.

4. Check the Pump

This often slips the mind, but you really should check the pump to see if it is working well or not. If something seems to be amiss, don’t try to fiddle around with it - you’re more likely to damage it further. Better call an expert to check it out.

5. Run It for a Few Days

Let the system run efficiently for a few days, cycling the water. Meanwhile, monitor the watercolor and the filter. Keep cleaning and skimming the surface and the filter. Soon you will have perfect water. Check the chemical balance again to see if it's okay and you’re good to go.

Home is Where the Pool is

If your pool is damaged during the cold season or for some other reason, do call up Hydroscapes Pools & Patios for pool repair in OKC.