The Ins and Outs of Commercial Landscaping Contracts

So you want to dress up your outdoor property areas? A good choice would be to hire out a landscaping contractor in OKC. But wait! Though it is the best choice, there are many pits and cracks on this road you have to watch out for. Today, we will discuss the questions you need to ask before signing a commercial landscaping contract.

So What Is Commercial Landscaping Anyway?

Commercial landscaping work includes a whole lot more than just plopping down a few designer plants. It is a multicore system that handles the aspects of artistically changing  aesthetic and nature value of a business front.

These aspects often include planning, designing, installing, and maintaining various landscaping elements on big or small business properties. You can, of course, utilize their service at home too, given you have a large enough property to work on.

Points to Ponder in a Commercial Landscaping Contract


It’s all good while they do the work, but what happens when something goes amiss after the term of the contract is over? In other words, is there any coverage outside the contract period? What happens when a dispute occurs between you and the landscaping service provider, who resolves that and how? These are all valid questions you must satisfy yourself with before signing the contract.


There’s a saying that no plan survives the first contact with the enemy. It’s applicable in gardening as well — often you will see what was on paper taking shape very differently on ground. Therefore, any OKC landscaping contract must include clauses for flexibility. You should make sure that you have some reasonable area to add, remove, modify the original plans. If the change is large enough, you may even need to shift to a completely new contract — there should be provisions for it as well.


More often than not, a landscaping company will drown you in marketing terms and jargons like full-service coverage and umbrella service and whatnot. Don’t fall for that; instead, make them list out everything they will actually do in clear, understandable terms. This can range from collecting fallen leaves to watering plants. Also, some companies don’t do all the work themselves — they subcontract some stuff. Make sure all of that is clearly stated in the contract.


We can’t stress this enough — ensure your landscaping company has compensation and liability insurance for their workers. If they don’t have it, and there is some dispute about the workers’ wages, or god forbid somebody gets hurt on the job on your grounds, then you will be held accountable in a court of law. You don’t need any of that! So make damn sure that you are giving your business only to a well-insured landscaping company in OKC.

Plant Your Seeds with Care  

Your business grounds should look pretty and healthy. Having it landscaped by professionals is the best way to do that. Call Hydroscapes Pools & Patios for the best safe and reliable landscaping work in OKC today!